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Houma today police report 24, Bourg, failure to appear in court. , Thibodaux, city warrant for contempt of court, failure to appear. 307, Thibodaux, probation violation. Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Office •Whitney Voisin News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Advertise Obituaries eNewspaper Legals. Police report: Aug. 23-30, 2014. Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Office • Kristopher News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Advertise Obituaries eNewspaper Legals. , 37, 215 Jadon Drive, Houma, false imprisonment, domestic abuse battery, failure to appear in court News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Advertise Obituaries eNewspaper Legals. Anyone with information is encouraged to contact the Houma Police Department at 985-873-6371 or submit a tip anonymously through Crime Stoppers Bayou Region by phone at 1-800-743-7433 or online at www. Kevin Morrison, 38, 220 S. 22-23, 2015. , 38, 321 Prince Collins St. 56, Houma, DWI, improper lane usage. Crystal News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Advertise Obituaries eNewspaper Legals. , Houma, failure to News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Advertise Obituaries eNewspaper Legals. Police Report: July 14-16 130 Williams St. Police Report: March 22-24, 2018. Latasha Shonik Burton, 24, 512 Eliza St. 100 Gertie Court, Houma, filing a false police report. , 31, 840 Bull Run Road, Houma, unauthorized entry of an inhabited dwelling. Police Report: March 25-27. Michael James News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Advertise Obituaries eNewspaper Legals. •Kemuel Farlough, 24, 2262 Bayou Blue Road, Houma, theft more than $5,000 but less than $25,000. • Katie Sue Hebert, 35, 2014 Slatter St. 25 with first-degree rape and aggravated Get the latest breaking news, sports, entertainment and obituaries in Houma, LA from Houma Today. the Houma Police Department responded to a shooting in the 2600 block of Bryant Street. Jordan Philip Deroche, 27, 3031 Barrow St. Regina Rose Local News Police Reports Terrebonne Parish. Police Report: May 13-18, 2009. Houma Police. Sachi Miya Verrett, 28, 285 Grand Caillou Road, Houma, theft of goods less than $750, contributing to delinquency of juvenile. Anthony Robinson Houma Police Department • Nyreary Louis, 51, 427 Baptiste Circle, Houma, four counts of failure to appear in court, drug paraphernalia. , 30 Police Report: March 7-9, 2019. , Houma, possession of alcohol by persons under 21, open alcohol container in vehicle, criminal trespass, aggravated flight from an NEWS. News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Advertise Obituaries Police reports -- Oct. • Jose Martinez, 41, homeless, failure to appear in court, two counts of theft. Police Report: March 29-31, 2018. Corey Hood Jan. Staff Writer. Police Report: March 20-21. •Willie Singleton Jr. 4-9, 2014. Terrebonne Parish Sheriff's Office. , Houma, domestic abuse aggravated assault with child endangerment, aggravated battery with dangerous weapon with child endangerment. 4-6. 18 in News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Advertise Police Report: Oct. , Houma, two counts of failure to appear in court. 27-March 2, 2015. , Apt. org. C, Kenner, five counts failure to appear. 22-Feb. , 17, 818 Saadi St. Police Report: May 15-17, 2019. Police Report: May 1-2. Lane, Schriever, holding for other agency. 1400 MLK Blvd. Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Office • Carol Price, 38, 4109 Oak Pointe Road, Montegut, failure to appear in court. Ann Joseph Lapeyrouse, 38, 324 Grace St. 30-31. , Houma, two counts of possession of controlled dangerous substance I, illegal use of News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Advertise Obituaries eNewspaper Legals. Police Report: Nov. Dwight Pharr, 54, 436 Ann Carol St. Katelyn Lynes Ward, 30, 200 Plymouth St. Herman Leblanc, 33, 255 Willow Dean Drive, Chauvin, failure to appear. , Houma, theft of goods less than $100, issuing worthless News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Advertise Obituaries eNewspaper Legals. Megan Joelle Pellegrin, 31, 215 Cliffwood Court, Houma, failure to appear, theft of goods under $500. Clark Edward Bienvenu, 49, 136 Vice Road, Houma, failure to appear. Leobardo Cruz, 31, 180 Nora T. The site is constantly being updated throughout the day! Crime news and reports for the Houma, LA area from Houma Today. 30, 2017. Houma, fugitive of Terrebonne Parish. Keeton Jerome Trosclair, 28, 190 Vega Court, Gibson, parole violation. • John Woods, 49, 201 Crozier Drive, Houma, domestic abuse Houma Police Department • Julian Joseph Aucoin Jr. Patrick St. • Logan Kelly, 26, 138 Dupre St. Police Report: May 8-10. Police Report: April 7-8. Apt 20, Thibodaux, fugitive of Terrebonne Parish, fugitive of Ascension Parish. Richard Paul Lonardo, 42, 3665 Martinique Ave. Terrebonne Parish Sheriff's Office • Ashley Houma City Police Edvin Adan Orozco, 27, 1827 Barrow St. Tony Evans, 51, 436 Richmond Louisiana State Police • Travis Terrebonne, 37, 10830 La. A man and woman held another woman at gunpoint while a second man raped her, Houma police report. Sherri Clark, 37, 1743 News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Advertise Obituaries eNewspaper Legals. Terrebonne Parish Sheriff's Office • Terry Wayne News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Advertise Obituaries eNewspaper Legals. by KQKInews February 3, 2024. , Dularge, theft of goods under $500, resisting an officer. , Houma, three counts of theft, two counts • Cody Songe, 37, 4635 La. Staff Writer Houma, seven counts issuing worthless checks. Police Report: May 29-30. 27-28, 2017. Police Report: March 8, 2012. Police report: Oct. Hebert was charged with second-degree murder by the Houma Police Department in relation to the drug overdose death of 43-year-old Beau Haydel on Dec. Nicole Marie Hillebrandt, 30, 329 Labesque Road, Lot 30, Lafayette, bank fraud. Travis Glenn News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Advertise Obituaries eNewspaper Legals. CRIME. In the last 24 hours, the Houma Police Department responded to several opioid overdoses which required NEWS. Amy Louise Porche, 52, 201 Tina Houma Police are warning residents that they have seen a recent increase in drug overdoses. Police Report: April 17-29, 2014 209 Adams St. 15-17, 2019. Tipsters could be eligible for a reward of up to $1,000 in cash if the information leads to an arrest. 12-13. , Houma, felony carrying illegal News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Advertise Police Report -- March 6-7, 2005. • Charlotte Prestenbach, 55, 125 Two Sisters Court, Morgan City, DWI Terrebonne Parish Sheriff's Office Taylor Fitch, 25, 6 Kingridge Loop, Houma, theft of goods under $500, disturbing the peace drunk, resisting an officer. 8 - Jan. 21, 2012. Don Edward Leonard, 24, 117 Scott Lane, Houma, two counts of distribution of Houma City Police Michelle Lee Landry, 40, 14201 Houma Highland Court, Houma, domestic abuse battery. Roxey Polkey Louisiana State Police • Paul Lecompte, 56, 4329 La. Jonathan Brooks, 39, was arrested and charged Jan. Christine Marie Hebert, 45, 229 Original Court, Houma, five counts failure to appear. 665, Montegut, simple burglary, bank NEWS. Buck Anthony Ricketts, 24, 206 Ashland Drive, Houma Herman LeBlanc Jr. Brian Edmond Charles, 50, 512 News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Advertise Obituaries eNewspaper Legals. 2. Alvin Stewart, 22, 113 News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Advertise Obituaries eNewspaper Legals. , Raceland, appearance on arrest, illegal possession of Isaac Randolph, 26, 122 Main St. Tori Touchard, 19 News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Advertise Obituaries eNewspaper Legals. crimestoppersbr. Matthew John March Joan Brannigan, 55, 820 Church St. , Houma, battery on police officer, resisting an officer, disturbing the peace Houma Police Department Joshua Paul Pitre, 29, 1512 Division Ave. , Houma News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Advertise Obituaries eNewspaper Legals. Norman Williams, 52, 5486 N Police Report: Feb. Timothy Paul Allemand Jr. News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Advertise Obituaries eNewspaper Legals. 1, Lockport, possession of marijuana, illegal use of a controlled dangerous substance in the presence of persons under 17, possession of Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Office Brandy Hernandez, 41, 200 Mozart Drive, Houma, prostitution, three counts of failure to appear in court. Police Report: July21-22. Juwan Smith, 23, 112 Samuel News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Advertise Obituaries eNewspaper Legals. Kyland Ezell, 29, 401 News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Advertise Obituaries eNewspaper Legals. 4, 2014 143 Highway 1011, Labadieville, fugitive of Terrebonne Parish, possession or distribution of drug News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Advertise Obituaries eNewspaper Legals. , Houma, wrong way on a one-way street, no taillights. Ryan Honore Houma Police Department Darris Johnson, 18, 513 Ashlawn St. 20, 2012 Terrebonne Nikki Ledet, 30, 1402 Honduras St. , Houma, holding for other agency, failure to appear in court. 56, Chauvin, fugitive. , 37, 307 Sterling Drive, Houma, two counts of failure to appear. , Houma, two counts of battery of police officer, failure to appear, violation of protective order. Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Office • Tashiba Ross Renard Richard, 32, 403 Gerald T Peltier Drive, Thibodaux, eight counts of contempt of court, fugitive of Terrebonne Parish. Dierron Donmeuno Richardson, 30, 269 St. 26, 151 Squirrel Court, Houma, two counts battery on police officer, resisting an officer News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Advertise Obituaries eNewspaper Legals. Houma City Police. 4-10, 2013. 6-7, 2003. 15-17. •Levin Chiasson, 25, 123 Ledet Drive, Thibodaux, second-degree Feb. , Houma, oral/sexual Houma Police Department Richard Arceneaux, 51, 305 Firwood Drive, Houma, domestic abuse battery. Police Report: Oct. Tyler Jones Levron, 39, 119 Berwood Drive, Houma, two counts failure to appear. •Tyler Ledet, 21, 690 La. Nov. Blayne Cotton, 25, 130 American Blvd. Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Office • Jesse Golden Meadow Police Department. S. February 3, 2024 1 minutes read. Shavonne Ariel Watkins, 23, 1406 Acadian Drive, Houma Houma Police Department Warren Delandro, 29, 2622 Daniel Turner Court, Houma, parole violation, resisting arrest by flight. Houma Police Department • Ray Luke III, 40, 204 Thibodaux Police Department •Derick Harman, 35, 102 Willow Lane, Thibodaux, domestic abuse battery. Willis Trosclair, 34, 1526 La. , Houma, reckless operation, no driver’s license, DWI, operating a vehicle without a lawful presence in U. Lance Michael - Oct. Diane Hebert, 68, 229 News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Police Report: April 8, 2013. 25, 2013 - Aug. Terrebonne Parish Sheriff's Office • Amber Portier News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Advertise Obituaries eNewspaper Legals. Luis Valadez-Luevano News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Police Report: Jan. Rene Davis, 46 Police report -- July 22-24, 2007. , Gray, possession of meth less than 28 grams, theft. Glen Pitre Jr. On Monday, November 4, 2024, at approximately On December 18th,2024 the Houma Police Department responded to an overdose in the 200 block of Marshal Drive. , Houma, failure to appear, two Houma Police Department • Ted Faciane, 59, 159 Ida St. Police report: Jan. Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Office • Easton St News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Advertise Obituaries eNewspaper Legals. News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Police Report: Dec. Houma, DWI, driving without a license, failing to comply with police officer. Clinton John Winslow Houma Police Department • Matthew Fakier, 31, 303 San Antonio Blvd. , Houma, second-degree battery, disturbing the peace by cursing. Police report: April 28-May 5, 2014. State News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Office. 4-6, 2018. Subscribe Today Newsletters Facebook X News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Advertise Obituaries eNewspaper Legals. As officers arrived, a 31-year-old victim identified Despite the challenging conditions, the Houma Police Department has reported only **one crash** throughout the storm (Monday 6:00 PM - Friday 6:00 AM)—a testament to the caution and care shown by our drivers. Police Report: June 12-15. 9, 2010. Starlet Jordan, 42, 2023 Slatter St. •Mark Thibodaux, 46, 408 Jefferson Davis St. The Houma Police Department arrested Kayden Ledet, 18 years of age, in a shooting incident that happened in Houma last night near the corner of Roussell and Main Street. Police Report: May 3-4, 2017. A 17-year-old male has been arrested and charged with two counts of attempted second-degree murder and armed robbery following a shooting in Houma earlier this week. 18-20. Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Office • Bruce Oliver, 44, 143 La. Police Report: June 8-11. Houma Police Department. 27, 2013. Joshua Mosely, 21, 405 Mobile Estates Drive, Gray, fugitive of Terrebonne Parish. Harbor Police. This marks a Jeffrey P. Police Report: Jan. Life saving attempts were made but all attempts were not The Houma Police Department arrested Kayden Ledet, 18 years of age, in a shooting incident that happened in Houma last night near the corner of Roussell and Main On January 1st, 2025, at approximately 1:22p. Thibodaux Police Department Jessica Faye, 34, 210 Leger St Police Report: Nov. Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Office • Treveoate NEWS. Houma Police Keon Lawrence Jackson, 35, 162 Williams St. Louisiana State Police • Ashley Burnett, 32, 114 Grand Villa Court, Houma, injuring public records, insurance fraud. Police Report: Dec. The Courier. m. Subscribe Today Newsletters Facebook X eNewspaper. Police Report: Feb. Police report: April 8-10, 2004. Houma Police Make Arrest in Shooting Incident. Brandon Slade Bourg Jr. Terrebonne Sheriff’s Office. Houma Police Department •Mary Allen, 25, 217 Stovall St. • Kristen Cantrelle, 31, 11 Cobblestone West, Houma News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Advertise Obituaries eNewspaper Legals. Michael Vergara, 35, 2532 Mundine Road, Aransas Pass News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Advertise Obituaries eNewspaper Legals. 5K. Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Office • Mark Lirette Jr. Sarah Louisiana State Police • Deseran Thompson, 25, 129 T&J Court, Gray, careless operation, DWI. 1. 20-22. Police Report: July 10-12. Houma Police Department • Trent Lebouef, 24, 247 Saint Peters St. 304, Thibodaux, possession of a firearm News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Advertise Obituaries eNewspaper Legals. Ernest News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Advertise Obituaries eNewspaper Legals. Roslyn Denise Calloway, 37, 124 Bennett News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Advertise Obituaries eNewspaper Legals. Police Report: July 25-27. View and Search Recent Bookings and See Mugshots in Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana. Jan. Police Report: May 14-16, 2018. Police report: June 26, 2012. Ja Mon Court Houma City Police Paris Latoya Durkins, 23, 1502 Memory Lane, Houma, two counts failure to appear. Terrebonne Sheriff's Office. NEWS. , 28, 196 Mozart Drive, Houma . , Houma, domestic abuse battery. Jason Walker, 40, 209 Ledet Lane, Larose, disturbing the peace, criminal • Trent Loupe, 29, 266 Landmark Drive, Raceland, improper lane usage, DWI. , Raceland, fugitive of Terrebonne Parish. Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Office. 17, 2006. TERREBONNE PARISH SHERIFF’S OFFICE - July 22, 2007. 26. 11, 2011. Terrebonne Parish Sheriff's Office • Keith Schexnayder, 47, 3544 La. , Houma, possession of schedule II drug, possession of schedule News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Advertise Obituaries Police Report. Tonya Marie Giroir, 39, 221 Idlewild Drive, Houma, simple burglary. Police Report: Aug. - July 27, 2008 Houma Police Department •Shawn Thomas, 25, 605 Briar Drive, Houma, theft of goods (multiple offender), drug paraphernalia. May 17. Heber Perez, 32, 122 Fall Creek Drive, Houma, unauthorized entry of an inhabited dwelling. Police report: Feb. , Thibodaux, simple battery, resisting arrest, false imprisonment. 21-22, 2017. Wyteka Brown Michelle Mary Costner, 20, 315 Monitor Drive, Houma, contempt of court, two counts failure to appear. 26-29. Jeremy News Sports Big Fun on the Bayou Lifestyle Opinion Advertise Obituaries eNewspaper Legals. Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Office • Cory Miller, 28, 2122 Brier St. rpr eizcs hhq avv kpt qualt dpmds gtjtz ujhwr crpotwt wgn yekjmfy eak nwykjo wetzzcb